Function | Root Position | First Inversion (6) | Second Inversion (64) |
I | 1-3-5 | 3-5-1 | 5-1-3 |
ii | 2-4-6 | 4-6-2 | 6-2-4 |
iii | 3-5-7 | 5-7-3 | 7-3-5 |
IV | 4-6-1 | 6-1-4 | 1-4-6 |
V | 5-7-2 | 7-2-5 | 2-5-7 |
vi | 6-1-3 | 1-3-6 | 3-6-1 |
vii° | 7-2-4 | 2-4-7 | 4-7-2 |
Name of Chord | How To Form It In Root Position | Roman Numeral Representation |
Major Seventh Chord | a Major Triad with the Note a M3 Interval above it | uppercase Roman numeral with M7 after it |
Dominant Seventh Chord | a Major Triad with the Note a m3 Interval above it | uppercase Roman numeral with 7 after it |
minor Seventh Chord | a minor Triad with the Note a m3 Interval above it | lowercase Roman numeral with 7 after it |
half-diminished Seventh Chord | a diminished Triad with the Note a M3 Interval above it | lowercase Roman numeral with Ø7 or 7♭5 after it |
fully-diminished Seventh Chord | a diminished Triad with the Note a m3 Interval above it | lowercase Roman numeral with O7 after it |
diminished Major Seventh Chord | a diminished Triad with the Note a P4 Interval above it | lowercase Roman numeral with OM7 after it |
minor-Major Seventh Chord | a minor Triad with the Note a M3 Interval above it | lowercase Roman numeral with M7 after it |
Augmented Seventh Chord or Dominant 7♯5 Chord | an Augmented Triad with the Note a M2 Interval above it | uppercase Roman numeral with +7 or 7♯5 after it |
Augmented-Major Seventh Chord | an Augmented Triad with the Note a m3 Interval above it | uppercase Roman numeral with +M7 or M7♯5 after it |
Name of Chord | Shortcut For Root Position |
Major Seventh Chord | The lowest and highest Notes of the Chord make a M7 Interval, so go up an Octave from the Root, and then go down by a Half-Step to get the top Note. |
Dominant Seventh Chord | The lowest and highest Notes of the Chord make a m7 Interval, so go up an Octave from the Root, and then go down by a Whole-Step to get the top Note. |
minor Seventh Chord | The lowest and highest Notes of the Chord make a m7 Interval, so go up an Octave from the Root, and then go down by a Whole-Step to get the top Note. |
half-diminished Seventh Chord | The lowest and highest Notes of the Chord make a m7 Interval, so go up an Octave from the Root, and then go down by a Whole-Step to get the top Note. |
fully-diminished Seventh Chord | The lowest and highest Notes of the Chord make a dim7 Interval, so go up an Octave from the Root, and then go down by a m3 Interval to get the top Note. |
diminished Major Seventh Chord | The lowest and highest Notes of the Chord make a M7 Interval, so go up an Octave from the Root, and then go down by a Half-Step to get the top Note. |
minor-Major Seventh Chord | The lowest and highest Notes of the Chord make a M7 Interval, so go up an Octave from the Root, and then go down by a Half-Step to get the top Note. |
Augmented Seventh Chord or Dominant 7♯5 Chord | The lowest and highest Notes of the Chord make a m7 Interval, so go up an Octave from the Root, and then go down by a Whole-Step to get the top Note. |
Augmented-Major Seventh Chord | The lowest and highest Notes of the Chord make a M7 Interval, so go up an Octave from the Root, and then go down by a Half-Step to get the top Note. |
Root Position | First Inversion | Second Inversion | Third Inversion |
V7 | V65 | V43 | V42 or V2 |
Function | Root Position | First Inversion (65) | Second Inversion (43) | Third Inversion (2) |
IM7 | 1-3-5-7 | 3-5-7-1 | 5-7-1-3 | 7-1-3-5 |
ii7 | 2-4-6-1 | 4-6-1-2 | 6-1-2-4 | 1-2-4-6 |
iii7 | 3-5-7-2 | 5-7-2-3 | 7-2-3-5 | 2-3-5-7 |
IVM7 | 4-6-1-3 | 6-1-3-4 | 1-3-4-6 | 3-4-6-1 |
V7 | 5-7-2-4 | 7-2-4-5 | 2-4-5-7 | 4-5-7-2 |
vi7 | 6-1-3-5 | 1-3-5-6 | 3-5-6-1 | 5-6-1-3 |
viiØ7 | 7-2-4-6 | 2-4-6-7 | 4-6-7-2 | 6-7-2-4 |