Let's Learn Together! - About & Support
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Question: "Who are you?"
My name is Sage.
Q: "Why do you do this?"
I am passionate about learning and helping others. I am of the belief that everything constructive is knowable, and that we are capable of applying all knowledge towards everyone's benefit. It would be an honor if I can somehow faciliate that experience for you. I try to explain things simply and focus in on resources which are free so as to make it available to everyone. Likewise, I enjoy learning things from everyone else. Anything good of this website is not from me alone.
Q: "You don't like talking about yourself much do you?"
To be honest, not really...I try to only share what has been helpful to me in some way, and while I do explicitly talk about my personal experiences from time to time, I attempt to keep it minimal. This is not to avoid self-responsibility for the things that I say, or because I have something to hide, but it helps to keep me humble and direct people's attention to the content itself. Ultimately, it shouldn't matter much who I am. I would hate for some personal quirk of mine to keep someone from carefully considering the information.
Q: "I'm having a hard time following your writing. Can you explain [blank] ?"
I have a habit of making long sentences with extra explanations in parentheses ( ) or brackets [ ]. These tend to have a lot of Latin abbreviations, namely:
Abbreviation |
Latin Phrase |
General Meaning |
etc. |
et cetera "and the rest" |
used at the end of a list to indicate that it continues and is not exhaustive |
e.g. |
exempli gratia "for the sake of example" |
used to indicate that what follows is an example of what preceded it |
i.e. |
id est "that is" |
used to indicate that what follows is a more specific elaboration |
et al. |
et alii/aliæ "and others" |
used at the end of a list of people to indicate that more were involved |
I also use a lot of quotation marks to imply various things (e.g.: that I'm using that word or phrase as a jargon term with a specific meaning, that how one interprets it can vary depending on the context, that it is an idiom, etc.). I try not to use "scare quotes" (i.e.: to be sarcastic). Sometimes I define seemingly familiar words in peculiar ways, but the meaning is usually evident by its context or in reference to an accompanying link.
If something still doesn't make sense after you've thought about it, just ask. There is no such thing as a "dumb question", especially when our curiosity is genuine. I am more than happy to elaborate on the meaning that I am attempting to convey and/or to work together to find some words that will make better sense to us both. I also don't mind looking "foolish" (or "crazy!"), if it leads us to a deeper understanding. I am constantly correcting and revising previously posted material.
Q: "Did you know that [blank] website that you have linked to is/has [blank] ?"
There are a lot of external links on this website. I try to share sites that contain something that seems informative in some way. The inclusion of a link may not necessarily be an endorsement of everything that it contains though. If you find something that is really alarming or a "broken link", please let me know and I will update it with a different one wherever possible.
For those who might be unsure of how to browse the Internet safely (which is nothing to be ashamed of!), there are many articles for both children and adults that can help.
Q: "What happened to your Neocities site profile, link page, etc.?"
I am sorry my friends. After much deliberation, I have decided to retire those parts of the website. I will still try to keep up with everyone's website updates as best as I can though! I will also continue to host the Let's Learn Together button for whoever wants it, but please do not feel obligated to use it. If you want to delete it from your page as a result of this decision, that is fine too. I completely understand.
Q: "Can I help?"
All of this is shared with nothing expected in return. But if you know anyone who could use any of the resources offered on this website, then please feel free to send them a link. Everything posted here is genuinely intended to empower those who read / hear it. This can only happen if it can get into the hands of those who need it most. However, please refrain from using harmful advertising tactics or trying to "profit" off of it in any way.
Likewise, if you know of any research that could help further any of the topics covered here, then please share it with me. I am sincerely interested in what you have to say, and I am dedicated to working with others in ways that are mutually beneficial. We can create a way of life that serves everyone. Hence, let's learn together! ☺
Q: "How can I contact you?"
For any other questions or comments, feel free to email me. I am always open to friendly dialogue, but please, no solicitation emails. This website is for learning, not for the promotion of products or services.
Q: "Is there another way to contact you that is more private?"
If you mean offline "snail mail", no, unfortunately. I have no permanent address.
If you mean online, then click on the appropriate drop-down for instructions. While I will link to relevant resources, they still assume a certain level of technical understanding...
Required Security Level: LOW
Don't trust Gmail (e.g.: because Google seems like Tencent)? No worries, I understand.
Here is a Tuta email. But please keep in mind that full end-to-end encryption is only possible if you send that message over HTTPS through your own Tuta email account.
Tuta is located in Germany. If German privacy law is questionable to you and you think that we would fare better relying on Belgian privacy law instead, here is a Mailfence email. Try to keep messages to this one text-based if at all possible.
Required Security Level: MEDIUM
Sometimes, a "privacy-focused" email service is still not enough (e.g.: you are an environmental activist).
If you've received a message where the email header seems spoofed by an imposter, or you suspect that an email sent between us has been intercepted or tampered with in any way, then we will need to use PGP encryption. Here is my current public key.
Getting started with PGP is simple, whereas integrating it into email messages directly is more involved. The simplest way would be to encrypt a file (such as a text document or image) using the above key, then sending it to one of the emails listed within the previous security level. If you are unsure if what you are sending is appropriate, see the next security level.
Required Security Level: HIGH
Still not leet enough eh? If I have to run Qubes and network through some random IPs in order to read a drop on Tor, then you are already doing too much hacking. Lol
...No, really. Please leave me out of it. While I respect the privacy of my friends enough to keep their "personally identifying information" confidential, DO NOT send me things that you think will put anyone in danger (including me and you). That means NO unredacted "top secret" media, personal confessions that implicate you in a "crime", risqué photos, "pirated" material, blueprints for weapons, "radical" manifestos that call for violence, and so on. I am empathetic to other people's experiences, but I cannot act as a whistleblower or informant, nor am I in a position to take care of anyone's private data. It is also safe to assume that all channels of communication are already being monitored in some way by someone else.
Invisibility does not mean invincibility, and nothing protects life like virtue sincerely practiced in service to All. Higher moral laws are at work throughout this reality and one can waste an entire lifetime trying to enumerate everyone else's sins while trying to justify one's own.
That said, I am still willing to listen and help anyone and everyone in constructive ways if I am at all capable, even if it is simply attempting to connect you with resources to help yourself. I am just asking you to be cautious and carefully consider what you are involved in beforehand. I myself am both fallible and limited, though I sincerely try to be steadfast in virtue.
...Not all of this may be applicable to you. If so, please disregard.
Q: "Is everything okay?"
Yes, I am of sound mind and sound body. I respect life and I love people. I get a little exasperated at the state of society sometimes, but that is about it. I would never do anything drastic over it...Oh! You meant if there have been any recent "cease and desist" orders on the website's content, "cyberattacks" relevant to the "indie web" ecosystem, and so on...
LLT Content Canary Status [as of the 7th of March, 2025]:
Green means "good". Clacky The Canary will change color and squak a different message out if something is wrong.
I strive to make sure that everything here is "legal" (and generally respectful of others) as best as I can. Please keep a local copy of this website if you are worried that it will suddenly disappear from The Internet. If you only want a single page, then use the SingleFile extension for Firefox. Please do not take projects like Internet Archive for granted. Try to preserve important information whenever you can.
There have been a few times that I've deleted personal writings / art when it had a tone that I thought ventured into overly emotional territory upon further reflection, but you aren't missing out on much of anything in those instances. You will probably be able to immediately tell if this account is ever compromised. I will never ask for money ("cryptocurrency" or otherwise), repeatedly push or suppress information in order to gain "power" in some way, or condone harm in any form (that includes "name calling" and other insults). While I might regularly vacillate between playful and serious, I am not intentionally mean.
At the very least, whether or not I am able to personally continue this project, the information will stay up as long as Neocities exists.
Thank you! ♥