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Visual Checks (Version 2)

• Overall size (length or area) in relation to the format

• Overall location within the format

• Vertical and horizontal alignments

• Angles from verticals and horizontals (i.e.: perpendicular lines)

• Distances between two outer points directly opposite from one another

• Origin (start point), Insertion (end point), Apogee (midpoint), and Amplitude (height) of an arc

• Negative spaces, especially relative to a containing shape (i.e.: "envelope" / "block-in")

• Lengths measured in terms of some "basic unit" (i.e.: some positive form / negative space)
Example: the height and width of the body in head lengths

• Proportion (i.e.: relative size and location of all positive forms and negative spaces); this is what you change if you scale something
Example: With an image "twice as big", the dimensions of the objects and the distances between them all double in length.

• Tilt of shoulders/chest, pelvis, knees, etc. (e.g.: "contrapposto")

• "Line of action" / "inner curve" (i.e.: curved line(s) flowing through entire form to give it continuity)

• Area taken up by a form on a surface upon which it is resting

• Non-visible backside as if form was transparent (i.e.: "drawing through")

• Volume within a bounding box

• Cross-sectional planes, especially those which give a form symmetry

• Wrapping lines around the surface of a form like a topographic map (i.e.: "contour" / "cross-contour", "wireframing")

• Height within a scene

• Structure and function of a form (e.g.: artistic anatomy)

• Range of motion (e.g.: angle of joints)