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A Science, An Art (06/24/2024)

Diagnosis of a complex system requires careful observation without preconception. What features are present? Then, this data must be referenced against a broad base of personal experience and research across many diverse disciplines. The stronger the correlation, the greater the probability that a certain condition exists.

In reference to the above, Medicine is a science. However, it is also an art in that not all is known, and thus there is much that can be creatively explored. In what new ways can we find healing? As the saying goes, "Prevention is better than cure." Therefore, how can we also facilitate health in the long-term? What deviates from the constructive must be corrected, while that which is already constructive must be sustained and encouraged.

Some music:
MC Rene - Früher auf dem Wattenmeer (Freestyleskit 95) [The lyrics are a reference to his classic song Spüre diesen Groove... that I posted awhile back]

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