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Keyboard - Grand Staff Equivalence

To the left of the keyboard, Pitch becomes lower. Notes flatten (♭) in this direction. To the right of the keyboard, Pitch becomes higher. Notes sharpen (♯) in this direction.

One "Staff" (i.e.: the top five lines) has a "Treble Clef", a curly looking symbol wrapping around the G4 line. The other Staff (i.e.: the bottom five lines) has a "Bass Clef", a curve with two dots enclosing the F3 line. The entire set of lines, spaces, Treble Clef, and Bass Clef is called a "Grand Staff". The Notes from "Low C" (C2) to "High C" (C6) are shown. "Middle C" (C4) is in the middle, between the two Staves.

Notice that the Notes on consecutive lines or spaces is always an Interval of a Third, and that they make the pattern G-B-D-F-A-C-E over and over again no matter what Clef is used at the beginning of the Staff. [Amos of Amosdoll Music came up with a funny way of remembering this pattern of Notes: Say them like a phrase, "gibbidy face". Of course, "gibbidy" is not a word, but it sounds like G-B-D.]

All of the Notes that an instrument can reach (i.e.: from the lowest possible Note that you can make with it to the highest possible Note) is its "Range".