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Living Is Healing: Part 4 (02/18/2024)
[Warning: This is NOT medical advice.]

We've seen a couple of Electrotherapy devices that attempt to put the body within a state of health by feeding it something that it needs; others attempt to remove something that causes it harm in some way. Here are a couple more examples...

• The history behind Royal Raymond Rife is at once both brilliant and tragic. To give a very brief summary: He made a sophisticated microscope that was able to give a live view of microorganisms that wouldn't normally be visible. As he sat in front of the microscope, he would directly observe a microorganism's response to different high frequency radio waves generated with a sensitive vacuum tube oscillator. After many years of doing this, he was able to find specific frequencies that would completely destroy various disease-causing microorganisms without harm to human tissue. A non-invasive way of treating illness with electricity was thus created! He was able to work with a team of doctors at several clinics to test this out with great success.

Unfortunately, he encountered some difficult circumstances not long after this (e.g.: court battles over the production of devices, the bribery of close colleagues, and possibly, suppression by the AMA through Morris Fishbein). Much of the work was driven into obscurity and/or wholly distorted. Even today, many aspects of his work are misrepresented to sell devices that function nothing like what he had created.

One of the best overviews of his life's work is the documentary, The Royal Rife Story, available as a free download on RifeVideos. A couple of other priceless references are the Rife Historical Documents archive and Rife Research Europe. By combining many resources we can get a more complete picture.

[An image of R. R. Rife from ???]

• Robert Cary Beck is another name that probably few have heard, but like R. R. Rife, he was an incredible inventor. In the early 1980s, Bob developed one of the first portable devices for "Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation" (or CES). He referred to it as "The Brain Tuner".

In the early 1990s, Bob started to create circuits for the electrification of blood based on his extensive research into "microcurrent therapy". When testing them out on people with various aliments, he noticed that many suffered from a kind of "Herxheimer Reaction" (i.e.: discomfort as microorganisms start to die-off; it usually happens when taking an antibiotic). To remedy this, he developed other circuits for people to generate their own oxygenated water and colloidal silver, two substances used for detoxification.

[Warning: Both of these methods can be potentially dangerous, or even fatal if done improperly. For example, attempting to use anything other than .9999 pure silver can be toxic. "Sterling silver" has metal alloys added to it to make it harder. Colloidal silver can also, quote:
...cause poor absorption of some drugs, such as certain antibiotics and thyroxine (used to treat thyroid deficiency). There is also some evidence that it can cause kidney, liver, or nervous system problems.
Again, this is NOT medical advice. I am simply pointing out the history, NOT making suggestions of what to do.]

When it seemed that some ailments returned after treatment with the above, he made yet another circuit for producing "pulsed electromagnetic fields" (PEMF) for clearing out microorganisms that were lying dormant within other tissues and bodily fluids, particularly the lymph.

[A schematic of a blood electrification circuit.]

[Please note that a couple of the above links sell products in addition to providing free information. I do not necessarily endorse them.] What I want to emphasize here is personal research into Electrotherapy. What can it teach us? It is exciting to think that, someday, we could have non-invasive methods of healing from a whole host of illnesses and injuries with electronic circuits in the reach of a home experimenter! Notice that we have come full-circle. Science helps us to test the truth of statements, to build tools that give consistent results, and to gain a sense of wonder about the world around us. What will you do with it?

Thank you so much for joining me for this year's Science Week! Until next time.

Some music:
Aslan - Further Up and Further In

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