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Full Title: The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense
Author(s): Suzette Haden Elgin
Publishing / Edition: Dorset Press, 1980
Purchase; Read: Borrow the eBook from Internet Archive. It seems like there are several different copies, so if this one is already borrowed, you can probably find another one if you search for the title!

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Related Resources

ADRR - The Verbal Self-Defense Home Page
This page has extra materials related to the book written by the author.

Peacetalk 101 (Internet Archive Backup)
Long ago, the author gave away this book for free on one of her websites. It is a short story that demonstrates the principles behind Verbal Self-Defense. It was later printed by a publishing company called Lethe Press. I am unsure if this company still exists and used copies of this book are hard to find at any sort of reasonable price. Both humorous and insightful, it is well worth a read! Here is a PDF of the above webpages compiled into a single document in order to make it easier to do just that. This PDF is shared here for research purposes only!

Suzette Haden Elgin - Peacetalk 101
This is a page on the author's main website. It has a couple of extra articles related to Peacetalk 101.