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Full Title: The Marriage Dialogue
Author(s): A. Lynn Scoresby
Publishing / Edition: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1977
Purchase; Read: Borrow the eBook from Internet Archive.

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Related Resources

• A. Lynn Scoresby Lectures At BYU Education Week On YouTube:

- The Characteristics of Couples That Forge Happy Eternal Marriages and Rear Righteous Children (Aug. 16, 1999)
- Covenant Relationships: The Primary Source of Growth and Development (Aug. 14, 2000)
- Family Leadership (Aug. 18, 2003)
- Family Attachments: The Practical Eternity (2006)
- The Crisis of Unbelief: How to Ensure Faith and Testimony in Our Children (Aug. 17, 2009)

Do What Matters Most Podcast (Hosted By A. Lynn Scoresby)

• Misc. Articles:

- A. Lynn Scoresby - 3 Things to Avoid When Your Spouse Ignores You (FamilyToday)
- A. Lynn Scoresby - A Future They Can See: Helping Your Children Believe in What They Can Become (Ensign Magazine; Apr. 1985)
- A. Lynn Scoresby - How to Treat a Girl (Ensign Magazine; Feb. 1987)
- A. Lynn Scoresby - It's a Privilege (Ensign Magazine; Jun. 1988)
- Sharon Haddock - A. Lynn Scoresby: Fix every broken relationship (DeseretNews; Aug. 20, 2011)