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Full Title: Foundations for a Happier Marriage
Author(s): A. Lynn Scoresby

From jacket flap: "A. Lynn Scoresby is a professional counselor in child and family psychology and teaches at Brigham Young University as an associate professor of family science. He received his B.S. and M.A. from that university and his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Minnesota. He has published several books [...] Dr. Scoresby has filled many ward and stake positions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In addition, he has been a branch president at the Missionary Training Center and served as a member of the YMMIA general board. He and his wife, Dorothy, reside in Highland, Utah."
Publishing / Edition: Deseret Book Company, 1986
Purchase; Read: This is still sold as an eBook by the publisher.

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Related Resources

• A. Lynn Scoresby Lectures At BYU Education Week On YouTube:

- The Characteristics of Couples That Forge Happy Eternal Marriages and Rear Righteous Children (Aug. 16, 1999)
- Covenant Relationships: The Primary Source of Growth and Development (Aug. 14, 2000)
- Family Leadership (Aug. 18, 2003)
- Family Attachments: The Practical Eternity (2006)
- The Crisis of Unbelief: How to Ensure Faith and Testimony in Our Children (Aug. 17, 2009)

Do What Matters Most Podcast (Hosted By A. Lynn Scoresby)

• Misc. Articles:

- A. Lynn Scoresby - 3 Things to Avoid When Your Spouse Ignores You (FamilyToday)
- A. Lynn Scoresby - A Future They Can See: Helping Your Children Believe in What They Can Become (Ensign Magazine; Apr. 1985)
- A. Lynn Scoresby - How to Treat a Girl (Ensign Magazine; Feb. 1987)
- A. Lynn Scoresby - It's a Privilege (Ensign Magazine; Jun. 1988)
- Sharon Haddock - A. Lynn Scoresby: Fix every broken relationship (DeseretNews; Aug. 20, 2011)