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Hyunwoo Sun's Videos

Some really interesting breakdowns of Korean grammar...


Korean / English Pattern Comparison (Volume 1)
Korean / English Pattern Comparison (Volume 2)
Korean / English Expressions about Frequency
Learn Korean in Korean
Korean Phrases - "Suddenly" 갑자기
Korean / English Pattern Practice - "Still" 아직도

Korean / English Pattern Comparison (Volume 1)

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가다 - to go
갔어요 - I went
안 갔어요 - I didn't go
갈 거예요 - I will go
안 갈 거예요 - I won't go
가고 싶어요 - I want to go
안 가고 싶어요 - I don't want to go
안 가고 싶었어요 - I didn't want to go
가야 돼요 - I have to go
안 가도 돼요 - I don't have to go
가야 할 거예요 - I will have to go
안 가도 될 거예요 - I won't have to go
가면 안 돼요 - I shouldn't go
갔어야 했어요 - I should have gone
안 갔어야 했어요 - I shouldn't have gone
갔을 텐데 말이죠 - I would have gone
안 갔을 거예요 - I wouldn't have gone
가는 게 좋겠어요 - I had better go
안 가는 게 좋겠어요 - I had better not go
예전에는 갔었어요 - I used to go
예전에는 안 갔었어요 - I didn't use to go
가기로 되어 있었어요 - I was supposed to go
가서는 안 되었어요 - I wasn't supposed to go
갈지도 몰라요 - I might go
안 갈지도 몰라요 - I might not go
가야 할지도 몰라요 - I might have to go
안 가도 될지도 몰라요 - I might not have to go
갔을지도 몰라요 - I might have gone
안 갔을지도 몰라요 - I might not have gone
갈 수 있었어요 - I was able to go
못 갔어요 - I couldn't go
가려던 참이었어요 - I was about to go
가기로 마음 먹었어요 - I decided to go
안 가기로 마음 먹었어요 - I decided not to go
가는 게 어때요? - How about going?
가지 마세요 - Don't go
가면 안 돼요 - You shouldn't go
가야 돼요 - You should go
왜 갔어요? - Why did you go?
왜 안 갔어요? - Why didn't you go?
왜 못 가요? - Why can't you go?
왜 안 가요? - How come you don't go?

He also gives a helpful explanation in the comments:
The imperative form of "go" is:

가 (intimate)
가세요 (standard)
가십시오 (formal)

"간다" and "갈 거야" are both future, and 간다 is used in situations like you are getting up from your seat and saying to your friend, "I'm leaving." and you say 갈 거야 when you want to say "I'll go."
And another:
"마음 먹다" is to make up your mind - now that you mentioned it, it sounds funny hehe. But it's very commonly used in Korean.

터 and 참 are interesting little nouns to know, and 터 means a place, and 참 means a moment. so 갔을 터 = a place/situation that I would have gone (to), so it's used for supposing a consequence of something that didn't happen yet, and 참 is a moment so it means "I was at the moment of planning to go"

Korean / English Pattern Comparison (Volume 2)

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이 책을 사고 싶어요. - I want to buy this book.
이 책을 샀어요. - I bought this book.
이 책을 살 거예요. - I'm going to buy this book.
이 책을 살까 생각 중이에요. - I'm thinking of buying this book.
이 책을 사러 가는 길이에요. - I'm on my way to go buy this book.
이 책을 사러 가는 왔어요. - I am here to buy this book.
이 책을 팔러 가는 길이에요. - I'm on my way to go sell this book.
이 책을 팔러 왔어요. - I am here to sell this book.
이 책을 친구에게 선물했어요. - I gave this book to a friend as a present.
이 책을 선물로 받았어요. - I got this book as a present.
이 책을 읽고 싶어요. I want to read this book.
이 책을 읽었어요. - I've read this book.
이 책을 읽었는지 기억이 안 나요. - I can't remember whether I've read this book.
이 책을 읽어 본 것 같아요. - I think I've been read this book before.
이 책이 재미있다고 들었어요. - I heard this book is interesting.
이 책은 베스트 셀러예요. - This book is a bestseller.
이 책이 왜 베스트 셀러가 되었는지 이해가 안가요. - I don't understand why this book has become a bestseller.
이 책은 베스트 셀러가 될 만해요. - No wonder this book is a bestseller.
이 책은 재미는 있는데 사서 읽을 만한 책은 아니에요. - This book is interesting but it's not worth buying it.

Korean / English Expressions about Frequency

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저는 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends.
저는 가끔씩 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends from time to time.
저는 일주일에 한 번씩 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends once a week.
저는 일주일에 두 번씩 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends twice a week.
저는 월요일마다 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends every Monday.
저는 화요일마다 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends every Tuesday.
저는 주말마다 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends every weekend.
저는 이틀에 한 번씩 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends every other day.
저는 친구들을 거의 안 만나요. - I rarely meet my friends.
저는 친구들을 전혀 안 만나요. - I never meet my friends.
저는 친구들을 자주 만나요. - I meet my friends often.
저는 돈이 없을 때만 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends only when I'm broke.
저는 도움이 필요할 때만 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends only when I need help.
저는 친구들이 제 도움을 필요로 할 때만 만나요. - I meet my friends only when my friends need my help.
저는 심심할 때마다 친구들을 만나요. - I meet my friends whenever I'm bored.
저는 친구들을 맨날 만나요. - I meet my friends everyday.

Learn Korean in Korean - useful phrases for Korean learners

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무슨 뜻이에요? - What does this mean?
잘 모르겠어요. - I don't know much about it.
다시 한 번 말해 주세요. - Please say that one more time.
이거 한국어로 뭐라고 해요? - How do you say this in Korean?
천천히 말해 주세요. - Please speak slowly.
적어 주세요. - Please write it down.
제가 한 말 맞아요? - Did I say that correctly?
아직 이해가 안 돼요. - I still don't get it.
생각이 안 나요. - I don't remember.
글쎄요. - Well...
질문 있어요. - I have a question.
더 자연스러운 표현은 뭐예요? - What's a more natural expression?

Korean Phrases - "Suddenly" 갑자기

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갑자기 - suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, without warning

갑자기 비가 내렸어요. - It suddenly started raining.
갑자기 배가 고파졌어요. - I suddenly felt hungry.
갑자기 사랑에 빠졌어요. - I suddenly fell in love.
갑자기 한국어 실력이 많이 늘었어요. - My Korean improved a lot really quickly.
갑자기 전화벨이 울렸어요. - My phone rang suddenly.
자고 일어나니 갑자기 유명해져 있었어요. - I woke up to find myself famous all of a sudden.
갑자기 살을 너무 많이 빼는 것은 좋지 않아요. - Losing a lot of weight all of a sudden is not good.
어제부터 갑자기 추워졌어요. - It suddenly became cold since yesterday.
아기가 갑자기 울기 시작했어요. - The baby suddenly started crying.
갑자기 찾아와서 죄송합니다. - Sorry for visiting you without asking in advance.
지난 주부터 갑자기 커피가 좋아졌어요. - Since last week, I suddenly started to like drinking coffee.

Korean / English Pattern Practice - "Still" 아직도

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아직 - still

아직 몰라요. - I don't know yet.
아직도 몰라요. - I still don't know.
아직도 비 와요? - Is it still raining?
아직 편지 못 받았어요. - I haven't received your letter yet.
아직도 술 취하면 길에서 자요? - Do you still sleep on the street when you're drunk?
아직도 졸업 안 했어요? - You still haven't graduated?
아직은 때가 아니에요. - It's not the right time yet.
아직 돈을 못 모았어요. - I haven't been able to save enough money yet.
아직도 자요? - Are you still sleeping?
아직도 한국에 안 와 봤어요? - You still haven't been to Korea?