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Constraints In Communication

There are generally two constraints when it comes to effective communication:

Constraint #1: Language?
Whether the conversational participants are using the same set of symbols

Constraint #2: Identification in meaning?
How each of the conversational participants experiences the interaction

The limitations imposed by the first constraint can be broadened through language learning. To facilitate this process, we have shared several tools that we sincerely hope can be of help to everyone:

Language Learning Tools: Sound Triangulation (06/28/2020)

Language Learning Tools: Word Webs & Complementary Pairs/Sets (06/29/2020)

Language Learning Tools: Sentence Generation & Hearing Order (06/30/2020)

Language Learning Tools: Lookup Loops & Acting Dialogues (07/01/2020)

Language Learning Tools: Grammatical Word Search & Other Word Games (07/02/2020)

Language Learning Tools: Creating An Immersive Environment (07/03/2020)

The Natural Language Learning Matrix (07/04/2020)

For the most part, this constraint is straightforward: We are attempting to acquire a skill (i.e.: the use of a language) in order to be able to share information.

The limitations imposed by the second constraint can be broadened through an understanding of how and why we communicate.

We have attempted to share several ideas that might be useful in this regard:

Memory & Words (05/26/2020)

Identification & Interpretation (05/27/2020)

Defining God (05/28/2020)

Relationship Roles (06/11/2020)

Friends (06/18/2020)

What Is A Relationship? (09/09/2020)

• External Document: Resolving The "People Pleasing" Pattern In Our Relationships

• External Document: Apologies, Forgiveness, Reconciliation

• External Video: Communication (Poem) well as point out further resources that we hope can be of help, such as:

• External Link: Conversation Cafe

• External Link: Deep Dialogue

Stone, Douglas, et al. Difficult Conversations: How To Discuss What Matters Most. Penguin Books, 2000.

Rosenberg, Marshall B. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. 3rd ed., PuddleDancer Press, 2015.

Ellison, Sharon Strand. Taking the War Out of Our Words. Voices of Integrity, 2016.

[There are many others that are in the process of being posted. We will update this section as they appear.]

Generally, a conversation is a reciprocation of personal information. Even in situations where one is stating "facts", these are often colored by individual interpretation and the circumstances under which they are learned. From the outset, conversation requires a certain level of openness in order to occur.

Within a conversation, one is a speaker while the other is a listener, and then the roles are repeatedly interchanged. Through this exchange we both learn more about each other's experience of reality.

Oftentimes, how we share something and why we choose to share it are just as important as what we are sharing.

Thank you for reading! ♥