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Thinking & Destiny

Reference Links

The Word Foundation [Contains several free books and a lot of articles!]

Personal Notes

Usage of the Terms Feeling and Desire
A brief rundown of how these terms are used within the context of Thinking & Destiny

Awareness of the Body-Mind
A short note on how Thinking creates Destiny

Scientific Evidence of The Four Brains
Some scientific evidence for the concept of The Four Brains

Figures I-A Through I-E (PDF) [Right-Click, "Save As..."]
A merging of diagrams from the back of the book to aid in understanding; the dotted lines give an idea of how the Spheres, Worlds, Planes, States, and Substates are all nested inside of one another

Alchemy In Thinking & Destiny
A brief article showing some correspondences between Alchemy and some of the ideas within Thinking & Destiny

Taoism In Thinking & Destiny
A brief article showing some correspondences between Taoism and some of the ideas within Thinking & Destiny

Scientific Evidence of The Eternal Order of Progression
A short note on the concept of The Eternal Order of Progression

How Thinking Affects Nature
Understanding how The Eternal Order of Progression relates to life by using geometric symbols